Making Many Magazines


Oct 02

We are encouraged to report progress on the next printing of Loaves & Fishes. The last issue went out back in January, so we are eager to move ahead.

Darold (Dad) will print this issue here, Lord willing, except for the covers, which were done at Carlisle Printing. We are two days into the printing now.

We already had some of the paper for the project, and we ordered enough more to print 80,000 booklets. There are sufficient funds to cover the expenses so far.

Current Needs

Postage to send these subscriptions will be around $15,000. We still lack most of the postage money.

You can help us mail these booklets and publish future issues of Loaves & Fishes every quarter with your gift of $1/day or any amount of participation.

We also need your prayers for God’s protection and grace as we work on this project. There are many obstacles to overcome and decisions to make.

Online Donations

Now you can give one-time donations or set up a monthly sponsorship online! In fact, these online donations are collected through Pikeville Christian Fellowship (our local church), so all online donations are tax-deductible.

Join the team of monthly sponsors and help us publish Loaves & Fishes four times per year!

Click here to learn how you can give.

Americans Behind Bars in the Last 100 Years

1910 – 2010

The Dark Side: USA Incarceration

  • There are approximately 2.3 million men and women behind bars today.
  • More than 1 in 100 adults are in prison or jail.
  • Roughly 1 in 32 Americans are either behind bars, on probation, or on parole.
  • We taxpayers spend over $68 billion a year to take care of the prisoners.
  • It costs around $30,000 a year to house one prisoner.

The Bright Side: “Can you please help me?”

  • “Can you or someone write to me and tell me how I can get Jesus in my life? I am 42 years old and don’t know Jesus. Can you please help me?” Donald Roberts, Fort Worth, TX
  • Tens of thousands of hungry prisoners have asked us to speak into their lives. We have access to masses who will receive and appreciate what we teach them and even share it with their friends!
  • You can partner with us to make an impact with your prayers and financial support. Let’s wake up to these opportunities before the night comes when no man can work.

Click here to learn how you can get involved.

For the Kingdom,
Lavern Gingerich