There are more than two million people locked up in prisons and jails of the USA. Many of these people are hurting and looking for answers. We publish Loaves & Fishes, a free Christian discipleship magazine for prisoners with Bible teachings from a conservative worldview, poems and testimonies written by prisoners, short stories, and puzzles. Our goal is to exalt Jesus Christ and to help prisoners experience the life, hope, and freedom of a daily walk with Jesus.

Guner Loughrey
Reader in Prison
I never really understood much about God until I started reading your magazines.... Right now I’m reading your volume 3 issue 1 from 2005 and God is helping me walk through this rough time. This is my first time behind bars and hopefully my last thanks to the help of your magazines.
Loaves & Fishes Circulation
Loaves & Fishes magazine is going into nearly every state of the US.
- Distributors: 400+
- Single Subscribers: approx 2,700
- Distribution: 79,000 copies
Why Literature in the Prisons?
We believe literature brings life and freedom to millions of prisoners unlike any other method...
- Leverage: Printed literature gives us leverage. Once a book is written, edited, and designed, it’s easy to duplicate it a million times with 100% accuracy. The influence of literature lives on for years, decades, even centuries, without any additional investment. This leverage multiplies the effects of our Kingdom investment. Written words cannot replace relationships and serving on a personal level, but personal relationships will never be able to achieve the level of massive influence that the printing press and other technology have.
- Influence: Like a road map, effective literature influences worldviews and destinies. Whether for good or evil, written words are influencing billions of people today and shaping the coming generations. You can destroy one copy of Loaves & Fishes magazine, but there are still hundreds of thousands in existence somewhere. Once a mailing of Loaves & Fishes is released, it is impossible to retract that message and some of the copies will hang around for many years quietly influencing those who read them.
- Liberty: Literature has liberty in the prisons like none of us have—a messenger that is welcome in a prisoner’s bunk 24 hours a day. Written words make themselves at home in drawers, libraries, trash cans, or even under the pillow of a seeking soul, patiently waiting for an open mind to receive the message—even at 2:00 am.
Did you know...
- 1 in 34 American adults is either behind bars, on probation, or on parole.
- We have 80,000 prisoners in solitary confinement.
- 2,500 juveniles are serving life sentences without parole.
- Suicide is the leading cause of death in jail.
- Violent crime has dropped by about 50% in the last 20 years.
Mark Chapman
Attica, NY
I have seen your fine publication here in Attica from time to time. It is very good—first class! Readable and attractive. Keep up the good work. It is the best publication I’ve seen.
Blog Updates
Free Christian Literature for Prisoners
Are you looking for Christian literature to supplement your prison ministry? Do you have a friend or family member in prison who needs something good to read? Loaves & Fishes is available free of charge for chaplains, ministries, and individuals.